Wednesday, June 3, 2009

**travel and prep work**

Leaving Friday morning super early, me and 5 other new summer staff plus 3 leaders left from KC to Mexico. We traveled one of the longer more scenic routes, listening to country music, taking back roads with LOADS of wildflowers, and eating a BUNCH of yummy food like ribs.

We arrived on Saturday afternoon and rested a bit. The week so far has been a lot of hanging out with people, both staff and locals, building relationships, and preparing for the teams that come sunday. We eat at different local's homes almost daily, and are filling up on amazing mexican food ;) We were assigned jobs, mine is VBS coordinator... pretty much communicating between the local after-school staff and the incoming teams what needs to be done. I will also be leading a VBS every wednesday night, hopefully recruiting a bunch of youth from teams to help me!

Connecting with all the new people has been a great stretch. It seems that I always place myself in positions that really stretch me, and I wonder... "what was I thinking?" haha. BUt God always uses it, in crazy ways. It's kind of funny- I feel almost more comfortable hanging out with and talking with the locals here in Spanish then I do with all of the new people on staff. But that will change ;) I guess it just proves that I am truely mexican in my blood, and that it should come natural to hang with my mexican buddies!

I should go, but will update more in future posts. God is already stretching me in my faith. I wonder how he wants to use me and what great things he will do and continue to do through this ministry in Croc. It's crazy to see how placing yourself in vulnerable and uncomfortable situations throws so much oil into the flames of our hearts. It's in places like this where we realize how much we need God to work through us. We are nothing without him!

I love you guys and mISS you already!!!

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