Thursday, May 28, 2009

{filling UP to pour OUT}

you can't commend what you don't cherish... Missions is the overflow of our delight in God.

Well it's my second day in KC and I have been staying with a coupld friends in a house about five blocks from the House of Prayer. This prayer room is open 24/7 and has 2 hour sets of worship with the word and intercession. I am just now realizing how it is so necessary that I am here for two days seeking God, and getting a deeper understanding of his Love and Glory. Yesterday I spent the whole day there, thinking I would be lifting up the next two months in Mexico to Jesus, but he zoned in on my heart and my spiritual emptiness instead.

The quote that I put in this blog is from John Piper: Let the Nations Be Glad!- I just picked it up yesterday and the first two pages have already rocked my view of missions. Sometimes we go into missions and get so caught up in doing the work, sharing the gospel, and living the life of financial faith. Even though these are important, it's not the fuel. Worship is. The revelation of God's greatness. His mercy. His love. His grace. His Holiness. and so much more. If we ourselves are not set aflame by these revelations, then we have nothing to give. If we aren't madly in love and in pursuit of God, then the people we are reaching out to will not be impacted by us. The revolution starts in our own pursuit and knowledge and understanding of the crazy God we so blandly worship.

Jesus, I pray that you would give us a new revelation (actually, an old one that we keep forgetting) of your Glory. Show us who you are again. Unveil our eyes. Open our deaf ears. And soften our calloused hearts. I lift up all my friends going on summer missions trips Jesus. Before they even step foot on the field, stir up true worship in their hearts. Let them be fueled by your beauty and energized by your love.

I leave KC for Mexico tomorrow at 6:45am!!! Nos Vemos Pronto :) Chau!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

And so the adventure begins =]

Welcome to my new blog spot!!! I really hope to keep this updated weekly throughout the summer, but just fyi- my last blogspot ended up with one post, and then I forgot about it! haha.

As most of you know I will be spending 9 weeks, May 29th-August 4th ish in Croc, Mexico. This little village is about 30 minutes away from the big city of Monterrey (you will not find Croc on google map search, so if you want to see where I am, Monterrey is pretty close!) I got to visit Croc just this past spring break with a team from Sioux Center, and had an amazing time. Youthfront is the organization with which I am working through, and is based out of Kansas City, geared towards challenging and equiping youth (check out their vision at I look forward to seeing a lot of the croc kids and youth again that I was able to build relationships with. During this time I will be working with weekly teams from the states, helping them in different areas such as children's ministries, teaching English, home visits, and such. Each team will be challenged to reach out not only to the people in the village, but also to grow in their own faith.

I am leaving in less than 2 days for Kansas City and will stay with a friend until Friday. Friday at 6:45am I will get dropped off at the youthfront base, pack up the vans, and leave with 6 other summer staffers and a couple of leaders to Croc! We will arrive at the base on Saturday around dinner time, and then go through training for a week. After that, the teams come!

Prayer requests:
First off, please pray for all of us on staff. In past missions experiences, I have really seen how the relationships and unity of the team play a huge role in the fruit of the mission itself. Pray for unity, love, grace, and patience. Also, pray that God would open doors and give me wisdom and boldness to love and challenge the teams that come down, and to be a living witness to them. Pray that the people of Croc would continue to see the love coming from us and the mission, and that love itself through actions would draw them closer to God's heart. Please pray for saftey while traveling, crossing the border, and also for the stay.

Thank you all so much for supporting me, especially with the encouraging words. I love you all so so so much :) Hopefully next week I will be able to let you all know how my first couple of days go in Mexico! and remember, keep me up to date on your summers as well. I would love to hear from you.